VIDEO: Watch Natoyah’s Digital Marketing Success Story

Natoyah’s story is just one of many success stories from our 2022 Digital Marketing learners.…

VIDEO: Watch Natoyah’s Digital Marketing Success Story

Natoyah is a grad of our 2022 Digital Marketing course. After completing her course, she shared her success story with us:

When I realized I would walk away with four different credentials. I was like, “I have to be a part of this, I need to sign up.”

The course really helped with my job, with showing the importance of brand awareness and leading into brand identity, and wrapping that all nicely with a bow. 

This course helped me grow, it helped me to see things that I didn’t know were there, and now I’m less stressed.

Watch Natoyah’s full video below.

Natoyah’s story is just one of many success stories from our Digital Marketing learners. For more learner testimonials, click here

The University of Arizona Continuing and Professional Education Digital Marketing Certificate program, in collaboration with Ziplines Education, is unique from many other online courses in that we combine on-demand content, live sessions, industry-insider instructors, and 360° career support to equip you for your success. 

Enroll now and change the direction of your career!

Digital Marketing Science Course

Digital Marketing Science Course

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